The most famous gun of the Walther PP series is the Walther PPK. PPK is a German acronym meaning Polizeipistole Kriminellmodell (Police Pistol Detective Model). Sometimes, the acronym Polizeipistole Kurz (Police Pistol Short) is given, but this interpretation is incorrect. The Walther PPK is a smaller version of the PP (Polizeipistole) and has a shorter grip and barrel as well as a lower magazine capacity.
Walther PP pistols were among the most important developments of the inter-war period. Produced between 1929 and 1945 in significant numbers, these pistols, along with the smaller PPK, were widely used as police and military guns in Hitler’s Germany. After the war, production of the PP and PPK pistols was resumed in France by Manurhin under German license. Later on, production was returned to the re-established Walther factory in the city of Ulm ab Donau (pre-war Walther factory was located in the city of Zella-Mehlis), and these pistols have seen widespread use by civilians and police, as well as for personal defense by many non-infantry officers in several European armies. Very close copies of the Walther PP were manufactured after the war by East Germany, Hungary, Romania, Turkey and USA. Walther PP, PPK, and PPK/S pistols are now manufactured in the USA by the Smith & Wesson Company under license from Walther.
The Walther PP is blowback-operated pistol with a fixed barrel, usually of all-steel construction. A few aluminum-framed PP pistols were built in Germany before the war, and stainless steel versions are manufactured in the USA under Walther’s license since the mid-1980s. The trigger is double-action, with an exposed hammer and a frame-mounted manual safety/decocker. The lockwork is somewhat complicated; it has many small parts and pins. Sights are fixed, with the rear sight blade dovetailed into the slide. Magazines are single-stack. The magazine release button is located at the left side of the frame, just below the slide and in front of the grip panel. Walther PPK pistols are fitted with a loaded chamber indicator, made in the form of a small pin that protrudes from the rear of the slide (above the hammer) when a cartridge is in the chamber. The Walther PPK pistol is made in 7.65mm (.32ACP) caliber and 9mm Kurz (9x17, .380ACP).